International Student Statistics 2014-2015

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By Citizenship and Degree Level

Citizenship   UG   G  Special
– UG
– G
Albania21   3
Antigua and Barbuda   1 1
Argentina 26 1 27
Armenia32   5
Australia725  234
Austria 8 1312
Bahrain12   3
Bangladesh56   11
Belarus12  14
Belgium110  718
Bolivia11   2
Bosnia-Hercegovina11   2
Bulgaria712   19
Burkina Faso 1   1
Burundi1    1
Cambodia31   4
Cameroon44   8
Canada23237 28270
Chile142  346
China (People’s Republic Of)536064461728
Colombia624 1233
Costa Rica48   12
Croatia 1   1
Cyprus41   5
Czech Republic12  14
Denmark 31 610
Ecuador33   6
Egypt514   19
El Salvador1   12
Estonia22   4
Ethiopia42   6
Finland 2   2
France189  16106
Georgia31   4
Ghana65   11
Greece936   45
Guatemala 1  12
Haiti1    1
Hong Kong511   16
Hungary 6   6
iceland1    1
Indonesia69  116
Iran139  646
Iraq1    1
Ireland 11  213
Israel367  272
Italy340 11963
Jamaica31   4
Japan563  775
Jordan3    3
Kazakhstan83 1 12
Kenya75   12
Korea, South28199 52234
Kuwait 3   3
Latvia 3   3
Lebanon220  224
Lithuania1   12
Macedonia21   3
Malaysia521  329
Mauritius13   4
Mexico1267  483
Moldova3    3
Mongolia41  16
Morocco14   5
Nepal46   10
Netherlands114  823
New Zealand112   13
Nigeria414  119
Pakistan616  426
Panama1    1
Paraguay11 1 3
Peru17   8
Philippines32   5
Poland39  214
Portugal24  915
Romania213 1 16
Russia441 18568
Rwanda21   3
Saudi Arabia6248  38
Serbia19  111
Sierra Leone 1   1
Singapore985  7101
Slovenia 1   1
Somalia1    1
South Africa211  114
Spain154  2075
Sri Lanka 6   6
St. Lucia11   2
St. Vincent & The Grenadines1    1
Sudan 1   1
Sweden213  318
Switzerland316 1929
Syria13 2 6
Taiwan967  480
Tanzania2    2
Thailand2044  165
Trinidad & Tobago61  18
Tunisia12  14
Turkey757 1469
Turkmenistan1    1
Uganda31   4
Ukraine27  110
United Arab Emirates13   4
United Kingdom943 11063
Uruguay 5   5
Venezuela 9  110
Vietnam89 1 18
West Bank13   4
Zambia3    3
Zimbabwe21   3
Unknown17  19
Grand Total436278433613113625

Note: These statistics were compiled on October 16, 2014 for the academic year 2014-2015. The Registrar Office’s “Y Report” and international enrollment statistics exclude all exchange/visiting and study abroad students unless otherwise noted, but include all special students. Nine early thesis are included in the “graduate” and three study abroad students are included in the “undergraduate” category above, but not in the Registrar Office’s Y Report.

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