International Student Statistics 2015-2016

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By Citizenship and Degree Level

Citizenship   UG   G  Special
– UG
– G
Albania21   3
Argentina 26   26
Armenia42   6
Australia728  338
Austria 5 1511
Azerbaijan 1   1
Bahrain2    2
Bangladesh610   16
Barbados1    1
Belarus11  13
Belgium16  29
Bolivia1    1
Bosnia-Hercegovina12   3
Bulgaria510   15
Burkina Faso 1   1
Burma (Myanmar) 1   1
Burundi1    1
Cambodia22   4
Cameroon22   4
Canada24235 113273
Chile134  439
China (People’s Republic Of)526263485770
Colombia624  333
Costa Rica49 1 14
Cote d’Ivoire11   2
Croatia11   2
Cyprus22   4
Czech Republic 2  24
Denmark 6  28
Ecuador32  16
Egypt418 1124
El Salvador21   3
Estonia23   5
Ethiopia41  16
Finland 4 116
France190 221114
Georgia33   6
Ghana52   7
Greece939  250
Guatemala 1   1
Haiti2    2
Hong Kong47   11
Hungary 7   7
iceland1   23
Indonesia69   15
Iran337  343
Iraq1    1
Ireland 9   9
Israel366  473
Italy544 12474
Jamaica21   3
Japan559  771
Jordan22  15
Kazakhstan710   17
Kenya61   7
Korea, South24184 36217
Kuwait 2  13
Kyrgyzstan   1 1
Latvia 3 1 4
Lebanon424 1231
Lithuania1   23
Macedonia21   3
Malaysia420  226
Mauritius23   5
Mexico1064 4785
Moldova4    4
Monaco 1   1
Mongolia51   6
Morocco34   7
Nepal55   10
Netherlands217 2829
New Zealand213  116
Nigeria213 2118
Oman1    1
Pakistan520 2532
Panama2    2
Paraguay11 1 3
Peru39  113
Philippines3    3
Poland313  420
Portugal18  1019
Qatar 1   1
Romania415  221
Russia333 37679
Rwanda12   3
Saudi Arabia72811  46
Serbia 6 118
Sierra Leone 1   1
Singapore987  6102
Slovakia    11
Slovenia 1  12
Somalia1    1
South Africa111  618
Spain152  1972
Sri Lanka25   7
St. Lucia21   3
Stateless1    1
Sudan 1  12
Sweden210  214
Switzerland420 1934
Syria 4 116
Taiwan869 1482
Tajikistan 1   1
Thailand2043 1468
Trinidad & Tobago51   6
Tunisia23   5
Turkey1059  776
Turkmenistan1    1
Uganda11  13
Ukraine48 1 13
United Arab Emirates12 7 10
United Kingdom1252  2387
Uruguay 3   3
Venezuela 7   7
West Bank12   3
Zambia1    1
Zimbabwe31   4
Unknown 5   5
Grand Total440284949884023828

Note: These statistics were compiled on October 19, 2015 for the academic year 2015-2016. The Registrar Office’s “Y Report” and international enrollment statistics exclude all exchange/visiting and study abroad students unless otherwise noted, but include all special students. Eleven early thesis are included in the “graduate” and four study abroad students are included in the “undergraduate” category above, but not in the Registrar Office’s Y Report.

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