International Student Statistics 2016-2017

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By Citizenship and Degree Level

Citizenship   UG   G  Special
– UG
– G
Afghanistan1    1
Albania3   14
Algeria 1   1
Argentina128  130
Armenia34   7
Australia431  237
Austria 9  312
Azerbaijan 2   2
Bahrain21   3
Bangladesh79  117
Barbados1    1
Belarus11   2
Belgium28  414
Bolivia1    1
Bosnia-Hercegovina32   5
Brazil867  883
Bulgaria38   11
Burma (Myanmar)11   2
Burundi1    1
Cambodia22   4
Cameroon11   2
Chile129  636
China (People’s Republic Of)51688199121888
Colombia424  230
Congo, Democratic Rep of1    1
Costa Rica26   8
Cote d’Ivoire1    1
Croatia1   12
Cyprus22   4
Czech Republic 1  12
Denmark 7 1614
Ecuador24  17
Egypt417 1425
El Salvador31   4
Estonia11   2
Ethiopia23   5
Finland 4  26
France1106  18125
Gambia 1   1
Georgia32  16
Ghana51  17
Greece645  455
Guatemala 1   1
Haiti21   3
Honduras 1   1
Hong Kong351 110
Hungary16   7
iceland1   12
Indonesia410  115
Iran533  543
Iraq1    1
Ireland18 6116
Israel660  369
Italy540  2570
Jamaica11   2
Japan754  970
Jordan23   5
Kazakhstan311   14
Kenya52   7
Korea, South221881215228
Kuwait 2   2
Kyrgyzstan1   12
Latvia12   3
Lebanon419  124
Lithuania1    1
Macedonia21   3
Malaysia322  227
Mauritius23   5
Mexico1046 6567
Moldova2    2
Mongolia41   5
Morocco39   12
Nepal73 1 11
Netherlands217  827
New Zealand212   14
Nicaragua 1   1
Nigeria211   13
Norway 724316
Oman1    1
Pakistan425 1131
Panama3    3
Paraguay1  1 2
Peru39   12
Philippines33   6
Poland312  318
Portugal 3  25
Qatar 1   1
Romania511 1118
Russia229  839
Rwanda24   6
Saudi Arabia526  233
Senegal 1   1
Serbia15  17
Singapore889  299
Slovakia1    1
Slovenia 1   1
Somalia1    1
South Africa210  315
Spain154 12278
Sri Lanka24   6
St. Lucia1    1
St. Vincent & The Grenadines1    1
Stateless / Unknown 5  27
Sudan 2   2
Sweden19  313
Switzerland217  1130
Syria23   5
Taiwan967  682
Tajikistan 2   2
Tanzania1    1
Thailand1642 1261
Trinidad & Tobago5    5
Tunisia23   5
Turkey1146  461
Turkmenistan1    1
Uganda11   2
Ukraine58   13
United Arab Emirates13   4
United Kingdom1454 11887
Uruguay 5   5
Venezuela 7   7
Vietnam613  322
West Bank1   12
Yemen    11
Zambia 1   1
Zimbabwe4    4
Grand Total430287329434433818

Note: These statistics were compiled on October 25, 2016 for the academic year 2016-2017. The Registrar Office’s “Y Report” and international enrollment statistics exclude all exchange/visiting and study abroad students unless otherwise noted, but include all special students. Eight early thesis are included in the “graduate” and two study abroad students are included in the “undergraduate” category above, but not in the Registrar Office’s Y Report.

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