USCIS Announces Application Fee Increases

USCIS Announces Application Fee Increases

On January 31, 2024, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a Fee Schedule and Changes Final Rule adjusting fees for certain immigration and naturalization applications, effective April 1, 2024. USCIS, which is primarily funded by application fees, conducts periodic fee reviews as required by law. Students can review the USCIS Fee Schedule and Changes Final Rule here and the New Fee Schedule Table here.

New USCIS Application Forms: USCIS will release updated application forms alongside the fee changes. The postmark date (the date the application is sent) will determine which form version and fees apply to the application. Meanwhile, the receipt date (the date USCIS officially receives the application) will be used for regulatory or statutory filing deadlines.

Fees for Common Applications: Below are links to the USCIS Fee Calculator web pages for specific USCIS forms. NOTE: Before submitting an application/petition to USCIS, always verify the required fees directly with USCIS to ensure accuracy:

  • Form I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization): To request U.S. work/employment authorization for F-1 students (e.g., OPT/STEM OPT) and J-2 dependents.
  • Form I-907 (Request for Premium Processing Service): To request expedited processing of an application/petition with USCIS.
  • Form I-539 (Change or Extension of Nonimmigrant Status): To request a change or extension of one’s current U.S. immigration status from inside the U.S.
  • Form I-129 (Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker): To request a nonimmigrant worker to come to the U.S. temporarily to perform services or labor or to receive training (e.g., H, L, O statuses).

Filing Considerations: When submitting an application/petition form to USCIS, it is essential to:

  • Verify the correct version of the application/petition form (if filing by paper).
  • Verify the filing instructions for the application/petition form.
  • Confirm the correct application/petition fee(s) before submission.
  • If filing by mail (U.S. Postal Service or an express courier like FedEx/UPS), check the correct mailing address for USCIS based on the application/petition form.

The ISO will be sure to post any additional information or updates USCIS provides. Students are encouraged to review all ISO Employment web pages, use the search tool located at the top of the ISO website, or consult the comprehensive FAQ section on the ISO ‘Knowledge Base’ webpage.

Disclaimer: The information on this webpage is for MIT students only. For additional questions, students should email their ISO Advisor directly.

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