Dating Culture 101 in the United States

While in some countries dating is considered as a serious family matter, independence plays a key role in shaping dating culture in the United States. Dating is often based on a personal decision in America rather than driven by the influence of parents and arranged marriages.
There are several things that is good to know about the dating customs in the United States. First, it is never considered improper for a woman to ask a man on a date, though some countries may consider it culturally inappropriate. If you love someone and want to express your feeling, please do not hesitate! However, if you ask someone out and the person says no, do not ask again; if you persist, this could be considered harassment.
Second, online dating service is often used as a tool to find potential partners in the United States. According to Pew Research Center, online dating has lost a lot of its stigma, and now 15% of the U.S. adults and 27% of 18 to 24-year-olds use online dating as a way to meet people.

Third, as above-mentioned, independence is an important part of dating customs in the United States and it is essential to love yourself, be independent, and respect partner’s personal spaces.
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