Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, falls on November 1 each year and is the Mexican holiday when people celebrate and honor loved ones who have passed away. Celebrations typically run from Halloween, October 31, to All Saints Day, November 2.
The day of the dead is truly a celebration of life. When children dance with caricatures of death, eat skull sugar molds and learn to respect that life is brief, they learn there is a circle to life and to not fear death and then are free to enjoy and appreciate every moment. In Mexico, during the days of the dead, the family often takes the opportunity to visit the gravesite and pull weeds, clean any debris and decorate the graves of loved ones. Often candles, flowers and the favorite foods of the deceased are placed on the grave and the family visits, eats, sings and tells favorite stories about those who have passed.
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